
128 reviews

1 Mont-Royal Ave E, Montreal, Quebec H2T 1N4, Canada



Pharmaprix is a Pharmacy located at 1 Mont-Royal Ave E, Montreal, Quebec H2T 1N4, Canada. It has received 128 reviews with an average rating of 3.2 stars.





Frequently Asked Questions

  • The address of Pharmaprix: 1 Mont-Royal Ave E, Montreal, Quebec H2T 1N4, Canada

  • Pharmaprix has 3.2 stars from 128 reviews

  • Pharmacy

  • "Négligence, désorganisation, manque d'effort"

    "En bref, n'y allez pas"

    "Posté Canada"

    "Service incroyablement ordinaire"

    "Tills understaffed, there can be endless queues at any time of the day"


  • Stefania Sciortino

Négligence, désorganisation, manque d'effort. Si vous avez des problèmes de santé, s'il vous plaît, ne vous adressez pas à cette pharmacie. Ils ne vous aideront pas. Negligent, disorganized, lack of effort. If you have health issues, PLEASE DO NOT turn to this specific pharmacy. They will not help you. For the last six years, I have been a loyal customer at the St. Laurent/Mont Royal Pharmaprix. In this time, due to a chronic health condition, I have filled monthly prescriptions amounting to over $150,000.00 in revenue for the pharmacy. Unfortunately, over the past three months, I found myself in an ongoing emotionally-draining and financially-stressful situation, exacerbated by negligence and lack of respect from the lab team, including the owner herself, Felice Saulnier. This has been a long and drawn-out ordeal that could have been avoided, or outright resolved months ago. I will do my best to be brief in summarizing. In December 2020, I lost my job and, consequently, my private health coverage. This would be the first time since 2015 that I require help and guidance from the pharmacy team, who would ultimately... - Force me to pay out-of-pocket for a very costly drug, with the guarantee that all would be refunded and resolved once my RAMQ coverage kicked in. -- Soon, I was put in a position where I had to continue personally paying thousands of dollars for my prescription, or choose to skip doses. The Pharmaprix team was aware of my situation. Not only did they show no interest in helping me, but they made it clear that if I wasn't able to pay then they wouldn't give me my medication. -- Once my RAMQ coverage was confirmed, no one followed up with my case. Each time I called to follow-up myself for assistance, I was brushed off and told the owner would get back to me that day, week, etc. The first time I actually heard back from her was three months later, and only once a drug rep got involved in my situation. -- This unprofessional attitude extended to my visits in-store. Repeatedly, I would ask to speak with someone in charge (owner, pharmacist, store manager) and be told they were not there. In fact, just today, I was told the store manager wasn't working, which was revealed to be a lie -- I found him myself shortly thereafter. -- Throughout the process, I was continuously challenged (and sometimes even reprimanded) by a series of disorganized Pharmaprix lab staffers, Manuela being prime among them. -- To be fair, I want to give a sincere shout-out to Jerome and Sandrine, who were the only two employees who showed any empathy and interest in helping. -- For what it's worth, when the team finally deigned to move forward with my refund, the amount they planned to refund me was incorrect -- $600.00 less than what they owed me back. I caught their mistake, but someone in a more challenging position than me could find themselves taken advantage of. Long story short: If you need any special care at all, please find another pharmacy. The disrespect, lack of dedication, and sheer laziness I witnessed was truly shocking and shameful.

  • Juliet

En bref, n'y allez pas. Sauf si t'aimes un shitshow. Consistently the worst pharmacy I've ever had the misfortune of dealing with. They incorrectly filled my medication twice, giving me the wrong dose which could have been extremely dangerous if I hadn't noticed. Making this mistake two times is completely unacceptable, it could be life-or-death depending on the medication. Watch out. The attitude of the people working in the pharmacy is beyond belief. They act as though their mistakes are your fault, and do nothing to help. They have incorrectly billed my insurance four times, resulting in extra out-of-pocket charges for me. Now, waiting to get my allocated COVID rapid-tests is a nightmare. I waited in line 2 hours on the 2nd day of test distribution. They ran out, fine, it's the govt's duty to provide enough. They gave me a billet to pick up the tests that evening, and tell me explicitly not to call in advance. I go back when they say to, the woman demands to know why I showed up without calling first - because I was specifically told not to! The disorganization is real. So no tests then, they have nothing and tell me they'll call me. Fine, I'll wait. They call a week later saying they have a kit for me, but I am on holidays, so the woman tells me they can hold the kit until I return. I called four days ago to confirm they had the kit reserved for me, the woman on the phone says yes, no problem, it's here waiting for you. I return and go today to pick it up - the woman behind the counter, with extreme rudeness, tells me there is no kit, and attempts to say this is MY mistake. Umm, no. Now, they call me and tell me that it shows I've already picked up my testing kit, so they can't dispense one to me. What?! This is impossible, which I told them, and they respond "well that's what the system shows, so we can't help you". Insane, and a complete waste of HOURS of my time resulting in bupkis. Now, because of their incompetence, I can't even get another testing kit until after January 21st due to gov't mandates. Thanks a lot! I've switched pharmacies for all of my prescriptions and would never recommend anyone to visit this Pharmaprix.

  • Daniel Golesteanu

Posté Canada. Service offert par (si j'ai bien retenu) M. Sergei. Froid, aucun sourire, comme aux douanes. J'ai était vraiment (mal) surpris. Je le regardais et je ne pouvais pas y croire. Comme s'il était obligé de me servire et il n'avait vraiment pas envie.. Quelque chose avec mon nom? Mes origines? Le pays sur le colis? Mon visage? Pour envoyer un colis d'un kilo avec deux albums photos pour ma mère en Europe, j'ai payé le double de leurs valeurs. Se sont des tarifs fixes de Poste Canada, rien a dire. Mais quand j'ai demandé quelques pouces de ruban adhésif pour renforcer les coins de mon colis, ils m'ont dit que ça me coûte 1 $ si j'utilise leur ruban (?!?). Je n'ai pas accepté, mais maintenant je me demande comment ils m'auront facturé le dollar? Par pouce de ruban? Qui prend l'argent? Ou seulement une façon de refuser? A présent je me demande même si j'ai eu tout les informations sur mes choix de prix, ou on m'a proposé directement une option plus coûteuses. Le plus décevant service que j'ai eu jusqu'à présent avec Postes Canada. Après quelques heures de ma visite, j'ai encore le goût amer de cette expérience. Nous payons les services de Poste Canada, mais nous voulons des belles expériences. Dommage, mais je ne vais plus visiter ce bureau de poste. Et je vais le dire également à mes amis.

  • mario lacoursiere

Service incroyablement ordinaire... j'appelle à 9h25 pour un dépannage en urgence pour de l'insuline, mon dossier étant dans un autre Pharmaprix. Ils me disent que ça peut prendre 1 ou 2 heures le temps de contacter ma pharmacie. Je me présente là à 11h45 et ils me disent que ma pharmacie n'a pas encore faxé. Je les appelle et ils l'auraient fait à 9h45... ils le retourne et finalement ça fonctionne... Je vous rappelle que j'en ai besoin en urgence... la pharmacienne me demande de revenir plus tard car elle n'a pas le temps... je refuse en lui redisant que j'en ai besoin en urgence MAINTENANT, elle me dit alors d'aller m'asseoir que ça prendra 20 minutes... 15 minutes plus tard on me dit qu'ils ont vendu le dernier ce matin....

  • Jean Pierre Koch

Tills understaffed, there can be endless queues at any time of the day. For medications it's quicker to go to Pharmacie Philippe Lemieux, corner of Park and St Joseph, than wait there for them to bother to prepare them. There is always a security guard doing nothing who could be better used serving customers, and there's always somebody at cosmetics, never doing anything. Feels more like a government office than a private business,. At the till, endless questions about if you got some card and if you want a bag unavoidable. Food selection is bad; home-brand sodas are certain to send you back there for stomach medicine. On the positive side, most cashiers seem sympathetic to the customers' plight, albeit powerless.

  • Naicha Craill

Au comptoir, on conseille d'appeler à l'avance pour que sa commande soit prête lors du passage en pharmacie. Mais le service téléphonique est un vrai cauchemar : dédale de menus de plus en plus long, attente interminable lorsqu'on a atteint la bonne option avec une variété de sons plus agressants les uns que les autres. Quand on a finalement parlé à quelqu'un, comme c'était mon cas aujourd'hui, elle vous raccroche au nez et il faut recommencer du début. Finalement, l'attente au téléphone était tellement longue que ça m'a ramené au menu de départ. Plus d'une demi-heure de perdue sans avoir eu aucun service.

  • Diane KL

PIRE PHARMACIE (fr en-bas)/ WORST PHARMACY. The “pharmacists” steal, miscount your meds MULTIPLE times, and overcharge you compared to other pharmacies (cost 2.5x more than any other pharmacy for half the dose that was prescribed). BEWARE and choose another pharmacy, it’ll be worth it in the end. Les “pharmaciens” volent, ne savent pas comment compter une prescription à PLUSIEURS reprises et coûtent plus chers que n’importe quelle autre pharmacie (coût ici était 2.5x plus cher pour la moitié de la dose prescrite). Choisissez une autre pharmacie et évitez cet établissement pourri.

  • violaine piché

Ayant déménagé depuis quelques années je vais plus rarement à cette pharmacie que je fréquentais beaucoup à une époque. J'y passe parfois, chemin faisant, en matinée. La dame aux cheveux rouges à la caisse est très sympathique, la jeune dame blonde aux cosmétiques est gentille, la jeune gérante au plancher aussi. Certains employés sont plus "secs", oui. Mais l'automne dernier, je m'étais accidentellement fait une coupure sur Mont-Royal et les dames du comptoir pharmacie m'ont fait un pansement, gratuitement et avec bcp de gentillesse. C'est très apprécié.

  • robert osmos

Si je pouvais donner zéro je le ferais. Cela fait plus de 20 ans que je vais là et ils me prennent comme acquis quel erreur. J'ai vécu aujourd'hui la goutte qui fait déborder le vase. Après plus de 45 minutes d'attente je me suis fait dire d'aller m'asseoir et d'attendre. Parce que je suis assisté social ils m'ont traités comme de la marde pour la dernière fois. Je magasine pour une nouvelle pharmacie où je serai traité poliment et comme une personne pas comme un moins que rien. À déconseiller totalement si vous recherchez un service attentionné. Il

  • Rucsandra Moldovan

I just moved my file with this pharmacy because it's closer to where I live now. I went in with multiple requests (including new prescription) and all the staff was super helpful, efficient, and kind. It's busy because also Covid-19 vax center, but I did not mind returning later for pick up. In the meantime, they also phoned to give me all the necessary details about the medicine, so going back for the pick up was super fast. I even got a smiley face on a document I was picking back up, how cute is that?!? Such a nice human touch!

  • Frédéric Gagnon

Je suis très content du service de cette pharmacie. Durant des années j’ai vécu des situations frustrantes et rocambolesques aux 3 Jean Coutu de l’avenue Mont Royal… c’est un changement très positif avec ce Pharmaprix. Ils sont assez proactifs et mes prescriptions sont prêtes à temps, sans mauvaises surprises. La plateforme de renouvellement en ligne est vraiment plus agréable d'utilisation que les systèmes téléphoniques automatisés, en plus de permettre de visualiser notre dossier de prescriptions nous même. Merci !

  • Katerina Bondar

I've been a loyal customer at this store since 2017, however their racist cashier need to go. It's not the first time I've noticed a very different treatment. People like myself that are not white get asked for IDs, being watched on the self check out service and refuse to help when asked for help. At the same time, every white person that accompanies me or that I've observed gets treated differently. No issues with pharmacy stuff or make up counter stuff, but cashiers. You clearly need to do better.

  • Celina F

I’ve been a customer at this pharmacy for many many years. The staff are consistently some of the kindest people I come across in my daily life. In particular, there is a man who stocks shelves (thin, wears glasses). He has such a warm and inviting aura! He is so friendly and always helpful. Sometimes I feel I might be bothering someone by asking where stuff is when they’re busy, but he helps you in a way that seems like he takes pride in delivering great customer service. He’s awesome.

  • Peter Tsiamouras

Pharmacist explained how to use medication for my son. When I got home there was a couple inconsistencies with doctors directions, the Pharmacist and info in the medication leaflet so I returned to clarify my concerns with my wife the pharmacist was mad made us wait forever and gave us attitude. Said to my wife I already explained it to your husband! I explained that It's a child we're are talking about and I would take as long as it needs to be customer service is lacking

  • Mikaella Bouzaglo

Don't ever go to this pharmacy. Every time i need to pick up meds even when calling to prepare them in advance is at least 35 min wait. If you call, they are mostly very rude. I have asked for a delivery for my meds which they delivered to the wrong address while missing a medication that I needed on time, when I called after waiting another day I've got hung up on as they "won't argue with me". Will transfer to another pharmacy as I don't know how you could do worst.

  • Shaz Khan

Mortified that industry professionals are able to operate at such LOW levels of efficiency: Do not notify you when Meds are running out of prescription, criminally negligent in mislabeling meds without prescription ending dates, lose info, and have caused extreme mental distress - I wish there was a way to hold this team accountable but unfortunately it is not. Do not have basic decency levels to even apologize, or acknowledge their errors.

  • Jadis Norman

I've been a devoted customer at this Pharmaprix ever since the very wonderful and beloved Saul Singer moved there from his smaller pharmacy on Mount royal Avenue near St. Urbain . Saul is no longer there but many lovely , generous and concerned staff members such as Carmela and Adam and more recently Kali provide incredibly kind and conscientious service to all fortunate regular customers .

  • Mchael Scruton

This is the WORST pharmacy I’ve ever been to. They’ve give me the wrong medication twice, they’ve given me the incorrect number of pills on MULTIPLE occasions. I literally have to open the bag, the plastic bottle, and count them. they can’t count, and I’m talking about the actual pharmacist, not even the counter staff. I could go on & on. Save yourself the trouble and go somewhere else.

  • Martin Coursol

Super aubaines. La section nourriture ajoutée depuis la fusion avec Loblaw's peut être intéressante autant qu'elle peut dépanner. Le personnel est sympathique et attentionné, y compris au comptoir pharmacie. Beaucoup de choix. Les allées sont assez larges. Seul l'aspect extérieur du bâtiment, qui laisse franchement à désirer, m'empêche de donner une note parfaite à cette succursale.

  • Rudy R

On dirait que les employés de la section pharmacie sont forcés d'être là. Vraiment désagréable comme attitude. De l'autre coté, les caissière sont un peu mieux mais personne ne semble connaître la politique d'exactitude des prix. Dommage, on est habitué à mieux dans les Pharmaprix. On ira plutôt dans les petites pharmacies au service plus agréable ou les gens aiment leur travail.

  • Peter Chen

Went there on a Friday to use the store's passport photo service. After one hour of patiently working with the girl who was managing this service, she said to me she didn't know how to do it properly! This is suppose to be a passport photo service in a nationwide chain, and the person working there doesn't know how to do it. Is this place a legitimate business? Honest question.

  • Heather Stewart

I went into Pharmaprix with three new prescriptions, expecting for it to take awhile, and was pleasantly surprised when it only took 5 minutes from the time I handed the pharmacist my prescription to when I had my medications in hand and paid for. I also purchased a few items in the store and found the prices to be reasonable and the staff to be helpful and friendly.

  • Vicky Wong

Wonderful pharmacy team! We just had our flu shots done this year and the nurse was extremely patient with the kids who were pretty scared. She also offered the nasal spray (not an option in other places we have been to). The pharmacy technicians were also very kind to us and the kids giving them juice and a biscuit after as a reward. We're coming back here for sure!

  • Delphine Hansen

Avoid this pharmacy if you can. Multiple occurence of very long preparation delays, and when I called more than 24h in advance, prescription won't necessarily be ready for pick up. Multiple mistakes made with my prescriptions, always very long and time-consuming to fix. Would unfortunately not recommend to a friend or family member currently.

  • Maggie Hu

The store is fine, but the pharmacy oh my god. They frequnetly do not fill my perscriptions even when they confrim they will on the phone, and when they do almost everytime the amout of pills is less than it should be. I can understad a mistake here and there, but this has happend to both me AND my boyfriend the last three times.

  • Andre S

This has to be the slowest prescription pharmacy in Montreal. They tell us there’s a 2-3 hours wait for a simple prescription. How can a Pharmaprix located right in the middle of plateau Mount-Royal have only ONE pharmacist on duty even on busy hours is beyond me. I’ve taken my business elsewhere.

  • Aya Rk

L’attente extrêmement longue pour attendre les médicaments, pour un simple médicament pour des renseignements on doit attendre 3-4 heures en minimum. Ils ne respectent pas leur clientèle, ils vont les perdre tout simplement. J’ai changé de pharmacie, cela ne vaut pas la peine d’aller à celle-ci.

  • Pascal Mcduff

L’attente est toujours de 45 minutes et plus pour obtenir ses médicaments. Je m’apprête à transférer mes ordonnances ailleurs. Si vous cherchez une nouvelle pharmacie, celle-ci est malheureusement saturée. Mise à jour: la situation continue de se détériorer. L’attente est entre 1 et 2 heures.

  • Nelly Racine

Ça fait quelques années que je me fie sur cette pharmacie pour me procurer ma médication et les employé‧e‧s au laboratoire sont toujours gentil‧le‧s, ouvert‧e‧s et de bon conseil. Par contre, les temps d'attentes sont parfois longs et les prix élevés. (C'est le Plateau after all)

  • Jonathan Mousseau

Le magasin n'honore pas les spéciaux pour les aliments qui sont dans la circulaire. J'ai demandé à la caisse pourquoi et apparemment j'étais dans un Pharmaprix ''dépanneur''. Bizarre, quand je vais sur le site web et que je sélectionne ce …

  • Claire Hachey

J'y suis allée pour le service photo. $28 pour 2 photos format passeport c'est très cher. À ce prix, le personnel devrait reprendre la photo sans frais si elle aurait dû être mieux. Franchement, ce serait la moindre des choses.

  • Charles Benoit

Sans aucun doute la plus mauvaise pharmacie Montréal! Temps d’attente interminable même si vous faites préparer vos prescriptions à l’avance, erreur sur les prescriptions, médicaments manquants, bref une pharmacie de peewee

  • Sydney Savage

I am visiting from Calgary and needed to get some Advil over the counter at the pharmacy. The lady with the long grey bob helped me and was very kind, helpful and accommodating. Thanks for your wonderful service!

  • Claude Godin

Le service téléphonique est POURRI C'est problamement plus facile de parler au Pape que de rejoidre le comptoir des ordonnances.SVP Mme saulnier, faites quelque chose pour améliorer ce service

  • Julia G

The Pharmacy is terrible. They gave me false information and I had issues regarding renewing a prescription that should not have occurred. Do not get your prescriptions here.

  • Emilie Gibert

Personnel absolument incompétent. Pharmacien incapables qui me disent de prendre des ricolas à 40 de fièvre après avoir attendu une heure et demi pour une consultation.

  • S. Mok

This is an "independent" pharmaprix and so they will not honour all sale prices advertised in their weekly flyer. Rating is for the store and not the pharmacy services.

  • Sadira C

The sweetest pharmacy workers ever & bilingual. I feel super comfortable coming here for my prescription medication! Thank you for your wonderful service ♥️

  • Kunal Bhowmik

Bad behavior from the lady with the dark hair. Dated ( 7th April 2022 ). She couldn't let us wait for 5 mins despite being customers. She was racist.

  • Julia Levitan

Incredibly kind, caring, knowledgeable, and efficient pharmacists. They consistently go out of their way to be helpful. Blown away by their service.

  • Rhys Halsey

Pharmacist was incredibly rude and unhelpful. She made me feel like my issue was insignificant and brushed away my questions with curt replies.

  • Polina Kunze

Highly recommend this place for vaccination. The pharmacy owner is professional and so helpful despite being busy. Dr Saulnier is fantastic.

  • Mathieu

Service pathétique, Pharmacienne inutile blasée de la vie . Quand on en est là, faut penser à se réorienter professionnellement. Bon courage

  • Olivier Desjardins

Les pharmaciens en soirée et fin de semaine sont rude et l'attente est exagérée. Le jour le service est excellent et le personnel adéquat.

  • Ekaterina E

Нормальная аптека, с едой и косметикой. Нравятся их акции на некоторые продукты. Можно купить Опус и денег положить. Есть RBC атм.

  • Louise Couture

Unsafe store. A man without a mask was allowed in and served at the cash. A few people left their things and left the store.

  • Felix gauthier

me faire accueillir par un agent de sécurité payer avec mes taxe qui vérifie si je me suis mit du purel ,nom merci.....

  • Nicola Navratil

Service médiocre, approche client médiocre, on a toujours l'impression de déranger les employés.

  • Carter

So understaffed that they suddenly cannot provide curbside pick-up during the pandemic.

  • Anne-Sophie Gervais

Personnel très gentil, autant aux cosmétiques que sur le plancher, et au laboratoire!

  • AviBenJames

Pharmacy in Montreal open till 11pm!!!! Thank you, that last hour is a great help.

  • Tomy Mestas

Distributeur à l'intérieur, le personnel y est de bon conseil mais sans plus.

  • Daniel Reeders

Confusing layout and significantly more expensive than nearby alternatives.

  • Aligator Noname

Really good service, never had a bad experience, employees are always kind

  • I S

This pharmaprix doesn't sell quite many things the pharmaprix flyers show.

  • Charlène M

Bon Pharmaprix moins grand que certain Mais pas mal de choix malgré cela.


Très mauvais service.Achat fait le dimanche 19/06/2016 a 12:38:25 pm

  • tavman sn11

They'll steal from ya at the cash if you aren't careful lool.

  • Ulryk Laperrière

Bon service, propre et prix pas cher! Que demander de plus?

  • Papa Godzilla

Je prefere jean coutu, la au moins, j'ai trouvé un ami.

  • Débora KL

Service extrêmement lent, les matins c'est encore pire.

  • Fabrizio Lunetta

Tous les produits de base mais pas aux prix le plus bas

  • Wendy Chen

体检的地方,超级烂, 服务态度简直差,不推荐大家移民体检在这里做,预约九点,坐等到十点多都没人理你

  • Carole Desmarais

Excellent service de Christine aux cosmétiques.

  • S Dethier

Rien a dire sur la qualité de cette pharmacie!

  • Sarah Beauvais

Excellent service et employés très serviable!

  • Vix S7

Le Pharmaprix le plus cher que jai jamais vu.

  • Terance Lancaster

Found a flip flop in the bathroom, good day

  • Jérémie Laurence

Toujours trop long pour voir un pharmacien

  • Lira n

Beaucouo de produits et de bons speciaux

  • Tran Khoa

Good service for passports photo service

  • Guillaume Chevalier

Abusive PC Optimum points never awarded.

  • tonino brocollini

bonne variété de produits et services

  • Véronique St-Germain

Ouvert tard. Beaucoup de choix.

  • Julien Paquier-Galliard

Bon pharmaprix , rien à redire

  • Hamish McConnochie

Pas de service en français

  • Maddy Guidolin

Just like everywhere else

  • Pascale Nina

Bon pour les cosmétiques

  • j “Jay Bluntz” B

Very helpful employees

  • Pascal Gagnon

Tres bon service :)

  • anubis 369

it's a pharmacy

  • Adam Dales

Wow. Just wow.

  • Roberto Collecchi

Molto fornita

  • Daniel Lagace

K service

  • Danilo de jesus Naranjo hernandez


  • Maïko Despeignes


  • Marc Ouellet
  • Laurence Frappier-Desrochers
  • Hamidreza Emamjomeh
  • jeannine krischke
  • Ashley Butcher
  • Stella Hsu
  • Lauren Castro
  • Grant McCrea
  • Adriana Skrly
  • Wided karray
  • Aurelie Sanhaji
  • Martin Poirier Théorêt
  • Kris Ru
  • Donald Coly

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