Last reviews

Peterswald for property

Matt Brown

Harry's the best in the business!! Having dealt with lots of agents over the years Harry is clearly the best, an absolute stand out. Another great result with this sale and this is a direct result of Harry's refined marketing, sales and negotiating processes which leaves nothing to chance. Couldn't recommend him highly enough and will definitely be using him on future deals, its as simple as this, if you want the best price and for the sale of your property managed professionally and efficiently then engage Harry.

Silverwing Elementary School

Diego Padilla

Volunteered in the school custodial department well clean school and classroom are adequate since it's inauguration in1971 revitalisation more open and safe environment close to the community six off my children went there one has since departed from this earth butt the rest have great memories off los Altos elementary school and. Pending park in transit fore forty years and courting great views of Tijuana from school grounds open to the public on week ends with prior permission ask me how to experience the charm off this lovation

Rytířské hradiště

Hana Hájková

Auto jsme nechali na prostorném parkovišti před hřbitovem. Na cestu jsme se raději optali ve stylové konvičce , slečny byly moc milé . Takže jsme se vydali přes Lesní hřbitov (nic podobně krásného jsme ještě neviděli) směr Rytířské Hradiště,moc pěkná procházka lesem, všude informační tabulky. Děti to na hradišti sice bavilo jen chvíli,ale za mě pěkný nápad a zpestření . Šli jsme dál a za chvíli jsme dorazili do lanového parku. Určitě by to bylo super,ale my jsme se nezdrželi, protože jsme spěchali ubytovat se. Cena za jednoho byla myslím 200kč,a to prostě nemělo cenu na půl hodiny. Třeba příště .

MT Rent - Noleggio auto Milano

Simone Millucci

NON ANDATE SCONSIGLIATISSIMO , hanno fatto i furbi fino all'ultimo dove mi hanno addebitato altri 8€ per commissioni su bonifici di restituzione cauzione che ovviamente come molte molte altre cose hanno omesso di dire.Potrei fare una recensione di 2000 righe tra la macchina cambiata all'ultimo alla benzina praticamente inesistente nel serbatoio, con la scusa " è domenica non abbiamo avuto tempo di fare il pieno" , ai falsi messaggi ( che ovviamente ho tenuto) su come dare la cauzione. NON CI CASCATE ANCHE VOI !!!!!!!!!! Io mi sto muovendo perchè non continuino a comportarsi così

Goode Plumbing

Jose Antonio Cruz

I've used Goode Plumbing multiple times and I'm always impressed by their professionalism. They clearly enjoy and take pride in the work they do. They have now installed two water heaters for me in two different homes and I cannot recommend them enough. Their latest work entailed installing dual tankless water heaters working in tandem, which they installed perfectly and worked hard to finish the job on the same day. Thanks to Chip, Joey and his team for the hard work.

Pathé Toulon

Margaux Bellet

Nous avons été choqués de l'état de la salle. Les sièges étaient mal fixés et nous entendions les vibrations et les sons des films projetés dans les salles attenantes... De plus les enfants présents ainsi que certains adultes se sont octroyés le droit de discuter tranquillement durant la séance. Au prix actuel d'une place de cinéma j'estime qu'il y a un minimum de confort à avoir. En comparaison le cinéma Pathé de Plan de Campagne et largement au dessus de celui de Toulon. C'est tout simplement une honte autant du coté des personnes venues voir un film que du coté du cinéma aux prestations minables pour un tarif exorbitant.

Harvey Norman Aspley

Sue Reynolds

It's extremely rare for me to be impressed by consistent and excellent customer service, but this definitely deserves a mention! I've just had the best customer experience when buying a custom-made leather lounge suite. From the start, the salesperson was knowledgeable and very helpful, but most of all she quoted up to our exact requirements whilst offering us a very competitive price. It was delivered today and once again the delivery driver was very helpful and polite. As it missed the usual weekly pickup, Harvey Norman arranged a special delivery to collect and deliver to us directly, just in time for Xmas! Lastly, as the leather protection kit was not included in today's delivery (due to the lounge suite coming directly from the manufacturer), the franchisee drove a 70km round trip to personally hand-deliver the kit to my house. Thank you Harvey Normal Aspley for such a wonderful customer service experience. Now, I can't wait to enjoy my new leather lounge suite! :)


Galip genç

Alacahöyük'teki kazılarda ele geçirilmiş bir Hatti eserinin kopyasıdır. 1973'te Belediye Başkanı Vedat Dalokay tarafından şehrin sembolü hâline getirilmiştir. Hatti krallarının mezarlarından çıkan Hitit Güneş Kursu örnekleri Anadolu Medeniyetleri Müzesinde görülebilir. Hitit Güneş Kursu Anıtı, Anadolu Sigorta tarafından 1977 yılında Ankara halkına armağan edilmiştir.


Don Dobbs

I was perscribed the wrong meds I called Walgreens, I spoke to a rude gentleman about my meds, he said he refilled what the drs office perscribed and I would have to contact my drs office. I contact my drs office the nurse said Walgreens are doing refills only and have been since October 2021 when the initial prescription was called in and they have perscribed you the correct meds until now. I had my drs office send all my prescriptions back to CVS. How many people has this store made sick? Why all the constant bad reviews and nothing is changing?

Courtyard by Marriott Indianapolis Castleton

Cefcef Cefcef

Would be 5 stars for the actual hotel, but check in process was so very frustrating! Only 1 worker behind the desk and I stood in front of her for just over 10 minutes while she was discussing some future reservations with another customer on the phone. I was forced to be somewhat rude and had to ask her to put them on a brief hold so she could give me my room key (I prechecked in via the app, so all I needed was room key.. so much for that saving check in times!)
Trip type
Travel group
Rooms: 5
Service: 1
Location: 5
Hotel highlights

Hairhouse Liverpool

Maria Eliepa

Jaz & Lil did a fantastic job with my hair. I got my hair washed and blow-dried and flat ironed, and I have pretty curly and thick hair. My hair was pin-straight, and the service at the front desk to the hairstylists was so helpful and friendly. I haven't had that experience at a hairdresser before because most hairstylists find my hair quite intimidating. Jaz & Lil? will be my new hairstylists moving forward. Thank you again.

Route 66 Moving Company

Ty Hampton

February 12, 2022, moving from Hayward to Fresno working with Route 66 Moving was a good experience overall. The process from start to end was well documented, informative, and handled in a timely and professional manner. Sean, the account manager was very helpful with setting up the move and explaining the logistics and prices. The movers, Georgii and his partner was awesome to work with. They called ahead on moving day to give an estimated time of arrival and even showed up a bit ahead of schedule. I thought I had good packing and spacial awareness skills until I saw them do their magic. Georgii and his partner was professional, very efficient, handled items with care, confirmed placement of items as needed, and was very friendly and always displayed a pleasant attitude (despite the physical/mental stress of a move). I would recommended Route 66 Moving services and would use them again without hesitation.

Domino's Pizza

jay hall

Do not order from them especially the store in Westport they take your money and won’t deliver your food. How can this establishment be in such a location and operate in this manner and getting someone on the phone is near mission impossible. Every time I’ve ordered from Dominos I’ve ran into issues with long wait times or the food not arriving at all.No wonder Pizza Hut still out here winning!

Real New York Tours

Josh King

We took our second tour with Luke and team over Labor Day. After doing the virtual tour in March 2021 with a group of students, it was great to do the in-person tour with another group. Luke is so accommodating and helped us when we only had two hours to build a custom tour. He truly gives the "inside scoop" that only a life-long NY native would know. Our students loved him and can't wait for our next tour!

West End Ace Hardware


78% customer service skills is how much you'll receive at this predominantly male employed location. The security guard, whether employed by or for the company, greets customers way more than the employees. Not all are rude and unskilled, there's a older white guy...forgot his name...that is awesome!! Helped me find specific screws for mounting my TV in a war zone of screws. If you can at all just don't go here unless it's an in and out trip in which you need no customer service help, you don't get much of it here.



以前美味しかったので土用の丑の日前に食べようと行きました。店内には、二組そして注文して5分で出されました。早すぎる❗普通なら15分位はかかる。でも、お腹も空いていたので先ずは、一口、えっ❗皮が固すぎる❗肉もフワッとした食感がない❗以前と比べるとタレが辛め❗あれっ!食べてる間、店員も音をたてて窓を閉め出した。周りの机を吹き出した❗私たちまだ食べてるんですけど...(閉店間近早くかえれとばかりに) 何十年もうなぎ食べてきてわかるのは、これは、二度焼き❗多分。これは、ある程度の人が食べても最低のウナギの出来だと思います。あまりにも酷いので、最後に店主に言いました。店主曰く、それは、ウナギの仕入れやウナギの食べるものによってこういう風になったのだそうです。えっ!それを分かって調理するのがプロじゃないのかなあ。店主もエプロンかけるどころか普段着で客の前に出てくるのは、これまた驚きです。 折角美味しいと思って行ったのが残念でなんか悔しい思いです。まあ次回訪れることは、ないですね。どなたか美味しいウナギのお店教えてください。

ピュアクリーニング &コインランドリー興津店


(低評価の理由は画像でお察し頂きたい) 価格やクオリティには満足です! 近所なのでよく使わせてもらってます! しかし出入り口に害虫対策がされていない為羽アリが入り口の自動扉にびっちり… また人と一緒に中にも入ってしまう為中も羽アリだらけ… サービスに満足してるだけあってとても残念で別の店に足を運ぶ理由にしては十分過ぎるほどこの羽アリは不快です、洗濯後の物も羽アリが付いて来るためとても気持ち悪いです よく使わせていただいてますが最近はこれが原因で利用してません、季節的に仕方ないのもわかりますが…なるべく早い害虫対策をしていただきたいです…

Ветеринарная клиника Astana

Олена Шпица

Сәлеметсіз бе, емхананың барлық қызметкерлеріне кәсіби шеберліктері үшін, жауап бергендері үшін алғыс айтамын, әсіресе хирург Зауырбек Әбдіхалықұлы, ол біздің мысық Стефанға операция жасады, ол ақсақ болады деді, бірақ операция сәтті өтті, ол жоқ. ақсау және. Барлығыңызға көп рахмет.

Dr. Bapat's Pet Animal Hospital

Karansingh Thakur

स्टाफ चांगला आहे आणि डॉक्टरही खूप जाणकार आणि चांगले आहेत. आम्ही आमच्या समुदायातील एका कुत्र्याला न्युटरिंगसाठी नेले होते, ऑपरेशनच्या आधी आणि नंतरच्या निरीक्षणासह ऑपरेशनला सुमारे एक तास लागला. … अधिक

ビッグモーター 新潟南店


本体価格が安くても、諸経費(オプション含め)25万くらいで商談してきます。 断れない話し方ですから、はっきり自分の意見を伝えられない、断ることが出来ない人は、その日に契約させられる雰囲気をだしてきますから気を付けないといけません。 諸経費の内訳にコーティングと錆止めで8万は私には必要ない。納車整備費用も少し割高ですね、ディーラーではないから仕方ないかもしれません。 あくまでも個人的意見です。