Last reviews

The Brick

Manuel Ramos

Friendly, accommodating and excellent customer service. Pawan was so professional and really accommodating as what we specifically needs, after showing and explaining so many options, she gave us time and freedom to decide, I thought this is so important. One thing to improve, the guys in charge in assisting us to load the item to our car were in a hurry, asked for a cardboard to protect my car, they said The Bricks has no cardboard, I don’t think this is true, something for you to think of and improve, still part of your service. Thanks

Posto Shell

Douglas Kasper

Combustível adulterado. Coloquei gasolina 3 dias atrás (28/10/22) Desde então o carro começou a falhar e se apagar durante os percursos, hoje a luz da injeção eletrônica acendeu e não sei o que fazer. Terei que analisar se irá apagar, caso eu precise ir numa Mecânica, irei no posto para que seja solucionado meu problema. Abasteci em outro posto e estou analisando se irá limpar essa gasolina ruim. Espero que vocês tomem alguma providência e não deixem de fazer algo a meu respeito. Obrigado.

Boronia Village Coin Laundry


Convenient location, comfortable location, the price of use is in the picture below; there are dining environments or shopping around, so you can do other things while washing, and provide a currency exchange machine, which is the most convenient service for me. 方便的地點、舒適的地點,使用價格在下面圖片中;周遭有用餐的環境或購物、方便你在洗衣時可以做其他事,提供換幣機、這是讓我感到最方便的服務了。

فندق برادايس ان بيتش المعمورة الاسكندرية

Jessy Ali

Best day in my entire life! My fiancé surprised me at the beach and everything was more than perfect! كل حاجه كانت اكتر من مظبوطه، الديكور و الميعاد و الاستقبال و الناس كلها كانت بتساعد علي الbeach و حقيقي ولا حاجه من دي كانت هاتتم من غير مساعده مستر محمد أبو العينين، بجد اكتر حد بشوش و بيساعد و بيسهل كل حاجه بشطاره مش طبيعيه❤️ شكراً علي كل حاجه يا مستر محمد
مجموعة سياحة

Dom Restoration & Roofing

Marat Saidkhanov

Exceptional quality of labor and service! I had wind damage on the roof, called Dom Restoration & Roofing. They came for a roof inspection the next day, confirmed wind damage, and also suggested repairing some minor trim damage, replacing old plastic pipe boots, as they had signs of wearing out. The job of replacing the old roof was done in 1 day. We are more than satisfied with the quality, cleanliness and speed of work! On top of all that - Dom Restoration & Roofing provides great customer service! They will help you with any question you may have about roofs, gutters and more.

Inflatable World


Visited inflatable world this past Sunday, it was very fun my kids loved it! It was a very hot day and I liked that there was 2 inflatables with water. I would've liked it if staff took the time maybe each hour to remove all the sticks,branches,leafs that fell off the trees so the kids won't get hurt while jumping because it was very uncomfortable for them. The porta potties were clean. I also would like to recommend parents to watch their children not just to sit & chill. There was A LOT of kids out of control hitting, cutting line, horse playing etc and no parents supervising, other than that inflatable world was great!

Normandy Animal Hospital

Hailey Johnston

I had to have my old girl put down there, and the doctor and employees helped perfectly. The receptionist let my family come in without an appointment since my dog couldn't even stand, and the doctor handled everything well. He explained the procedure and even let me hold my dog as he gave her the dose. A few weeks later they sent a condolences card since we couldn't keep her ashes. I appreciate what they did for me and my dog.

Urban Animal Hospital


This is a difficult review to write. I'm trying so hard to be objective and fair while maintaining honesty and integrity. So the following is honest and compromises none of the integrity instilled in me by my wonderful parents almost 60 years ago. The staff that "greeted" us and our puppy were either uninterested, rude or 'surly'. The attendant yelled at me for touching my dog too long as I got her to relax on the weigh scale. We survived. Then came the veterinarian, yawning openly and rubbing sleep from his eyes. He didn't seem pleased that we'd disturbed his nap. I was commanded to place my 50 pound great pyrenees puppy on the slippery kitchen counter in front of him that he called the table. Then he conducted the most cursory of examinations. I had a question or two but after my first about nutrition was answered with "read the label on the food package", I didn't bother asking more. We left quickly after quietly paying the 85 dollar fee and escaped to the bright sunny street, happy to be alive and healthy. There are good veterinarians out there. Never again will I use convenient nearby location as a criterion for a vet choice. I'd hope some day soon a responsible competent practitioner might occupy that location... My puppy and I such dreamers.



先日初めてランチで伺いました。 まず入って印象的なのは店員さんの明るいお出迎えです。初見でも優しく声をかけてくださるのでとても入りやすかったです☺️ その日はシンガポールチキンライスをいただき、その美味しさに驚きました。 セットのスープもフライドオニオンたっぷりでとても美味しかったです。 平日は週替わりのランチセットがあると知ったので、今回はInstagramでメニューをチェックして伺いました。 事前に電話をしたら、席が空いたらご連絡しますのと丁寧なご対応で、仕事の合間の昼休みに行こうと思っていたので大変助かりました。 ランチセットは目を引く美しさで出てきた瞬間テンション上がります✨ 蟹のヌードルとチキンは期待通り、 蟹の身も入っていてスープがとても美味しかったです。器が小さいため、ヌードルの食べづらさはありました。 チーズポテトパラタとシーフードカレーは期待を上回る美味しさとバランス。 パラタは初めていただきましたが、ナンよりももちもちしていて、中にペースト状のポテトとチーズが挟まっていて、そのままでも、カレーをつけても、お通しのマンゴーソースとも相性が良かったです。 ラッシーは前にいただいたみかんよりもいちごの方が好みでした。他店に比べてかなりあっさりしたラッシーです。元々あっさりしているので、氷で薄まらないうちに飲むのがいいと思います。 全体的に本格的なインド料理を日本人好みにしてくださっている感じなので、クセが強すぎるアジアンなお料理が苦手…という方にも最高だと思います✨ わたしは本格的なインド料理が好きですが、 ベンガルタイガーさんはかなり好みです。 量が少なめのため、 少し割高に感じる部分はありますが、 居心地の良さ、雰囲気、味、総合的に十分なコスパだと思います。 土日限定のビリヤニもお薦めしていただいたので また食べに行きます

Pet Samaritan Clinic

Rachel Sonora

I can not praise Pet Samaritan Clinic enough! For six years, my dog was a patient at a high end veterinary clinic on Powell and I was always impressed by how professional they were. When my dog needed an expensive procedure, I decided to get a second opinion from Pet Samaritan clinic and they were so good with my dog that I chose to make them my primary veterinarian. And the procedure cost about 40% less than I was previously quoted at my other vet. My dog is a rescue with a history of abuse, and he can become very nervous and agitated when going to the vet. On our first visit, the staff were very patient with my dog, and the veterinary technician allowed him to sniff all of the instruments before she used them. She used a calm voice and demeanor to put him at ease. I couldn't believe how well he did during his visit, and I will never take him back to his old vet. Dr. Klau was extremely patient and kind with my dog and kept me informed via phone throughout his surgical procedure. Pet Samaritan Clinic also offers an amazing deal on a pet health care plan, which reduced my dog's surgical costs by about 25%. The staff is thorough, patient, and so nice. Thank you Pet Samaritan Clinic!

Mr. Happy Restaurant

S. Takouk

Wir waren nicht so begeistert, wie es alle anderen gewesen sind. Bedienung nett, auch wenn es etwas länger gedauert hat. Der Mittagstisch war ein wenig zusammen gewürfelt und indischcurry like, eher nicht so meins. Der Reis war etwas lasch. Vielleicht waren wir einfach am falschen Tag da. Der Döner Teller war mittlerer Standard, mehr auf keinen Fall, das Rind-Lammgemischthackfleisch war trocken, Hähnchen war ok. 26 Euro für 2 Mahlzeiten mit kl. Getränk war im Verhältnis auch etwas teuer als sonst. Es wird aber eh alles teurer von daher ok. Da alle anderen zufrieden waren, war es wohl bei uns die Ausnahme.

Restaurace La Bodega

Klára Dušková

Jídlo bylo chutné, dobré.. o co se však musím podělit, tak o zkušenost s obsluhou, protože s takovým přístupem jako zde, jsem se, bohužel, nikde a nikdy nesetkala! Pokud bych pominula skutečnost, že po příchodu a pozdravu ani j ze dvou mladých servírek neodpoví na pozdrav, přehlíží nás a jdou si za bar, aniž by se vůbec obtěžovali věnovat pozornost, tak to, co přišlo poté, byl úplný strop neslušnosti. Ve chvíli, kdy jsme viděly volný stůl a sedly si, přiběhla servírka s dotazem, zda máme rezervaci. Tu jsme neměly, tak nás vykázala poměrně arogantně od stolu. Po mé omluvě s tím, že na stole nebyl lístek ´rezervace’, mi bylo řečeno a teď cituji, že se máme jich zeptat, kam se můžeme posadit a že budeme usazeni do dolní části a můžeme být rádi, že nás nevyhodí. Co to je za chováni?! Upozorňuji, že dole prostor zaplněn nebyl a po celý večer se nezaplnil, tudíž o místo nouze nebyla! Po celý večer jsme marně čekaly na nějakou omluvu od dotyčné servírky, která při placení pouze vykukovala zpoza rohu. Toto chování absolutně zkazí dojem celé restaurace a my tam byly určitě naposledy a majiteli bychom rádi doporučili, ať si postaví ke vchodu ceduli “vyčkejte, až Vás personál usadí”.

Café des Anges


j'aimais cet endroit. pourtant ces derniers temps, ils laissent entrer énormément de perturbateur, autres racailles en tout genre. il ne se passe pas une soirée ou j'ai un différent avec ces gens la, qui cherchent la bagarre. non seulement lorsque ça vous arrive dans le club, les vigiles vous sortes, sans que vous ne soyez le responsable, mais en plus il n'interviennent plus une fois en dehors. ce n'est pas un comportement sécuritaire. Sinon à part ceci, la musique est sympa....

PARK Barefootwear Bielefeld - Vivobarefoot & Groundies Barfußschuhe

Rica Wo

Wir besuchten im Dezember 2021 das Vivobarefoot & Groundies Lädchen in Bielefeld und können leider auch nichts wirklich positives berichten. Die Verkäuferin wirkte eher genervt und desinteressiert, als wir kamen. Die Beratung war auch nicht besser. Ebenfalls finde ich die Groundies Schuhe auch nicht bequem und passend (wofür der Laden aber natürlich nichts konnte). Schade, hier kommen wir leider nicht mehr hin!

FITT Forge

Jennifer Hopkins

FITT Forge is the best workout experience I have even encountered and I have been to many places. The atmosphere is positive, encouraging and motivating. Working out here is FUN and challenging with results. Zack knows his STUFF! Zack also makes every member part of his family. He is friendly, kind and makes every workout unique to your needs. The clients (AKA family members of FITT Forge) that I have enjoyed the opportunity to work with, are so friendly. They make the workout even more enjoyable. We all encourage and motivate each other no matter the fitness level. Don't get me wrong, these workouts are tough and Zack pushes us to become our better selves. You will leave each workout with a smile and tons of sweat on your face. You must come try out a session. Once you try one session you will become part of the FITT Forge family! See you there!

Cafe 57 PDX

Hanson Kriegel

As soon as I took my first sip I knew I found my first go-to coffee spot here in pdx. I moved here for work and drink a lot of coffee, so there have been many options to choose from in the city! Many places choose to sell a darker and milder flavored roast espresso so it goes well with many different syrups and drinks. However, I prefer espresso that is either/both lighter and bright or flavorful, which definitely can hard to both pull & find! That first sip was like, “Oh my gosh, I’ve found it!” I was on the go during my first purchase, but if I hadn’t been in such a hurry I would have gone back and bought beans. Cincosiete is definitely one if you’re looking for somewhere to take your friends who are really into coffee/friends who are baristas.
Take out
Meal type
Price per person
Service: 5
Atmosphere: 5

奥多摩の風 はとのす荘

Toshi Miya

客室: 5
サービス: 5
場所: 5
絶景を楽しめる, 静か

Apon Bari Restaurant

Mohammad Irfan

Chicken biryani 10/10 & khichuri 10/10
বসে খাওয়ার ব্যবস্থা
খাবারের ধরন
মাথাপিছু দাম
খাবার: 4
পরিষেবা: 5
পরিবেশ: 4
সাজেস্ট করা ডিশ
Chicken Masala

Dastaavej |Court Marriage| Marriage Registration| Divorce Lawyer | Property Documents

Syed Mohammed Fazal

मुझे विवाह प्रमाणपत्र की सख्त जरूरत थी और मैंने अपनी शादी को पंजीकृत कराने और 24 घंटे के भीतर प्रमाणपत्र प्राप्त करने के लिए सभी संभावित वकीलों और सलाहकारों की कोशिश की। यह दस्तावेज से ही संभव हो सका। मैं उनकी सेवाओं से बहुत खुश और पूरी तरह … ज़्यादा

Narayana e-Techno School Vidyaranyapuram

Leena ಜಗಳೂರು VG

ನಾರಾಯಣ ಶಾಲೆ ನಾನು ನಿರೀಕ್ಷಿಸಿದಂತೆ ಇಲ್ಲ. ಇದು ಕೇವಲ ಶಾಲೆ ಅಲ್ಲ ವಾಹ್. ಅವರು ಕೇವಲ ಅಧ್ಯಯನದ ಮೇಲೆ ಕೇಂದ್ರೀಕರಿಸುತ್ತಾರೆ. ಆಟದ ಸಮಯವಿಲ್ಲದ ಕಾರಣ ಕ್ರೀಡಾ ಸಮವಸ್ತ್ರ ವ್ಯರ್ಥವಾಗಿದೆ. ಕ್ರೀಡೆಗಳನ್ನು ಅವರು ಬೆಂಬಲಿಸುವುದಿಲ್ಲ. ಇತರ ವಿಷಯಗಳ ಬೋಧನೆಗಾಗಿ ಅವರು ತೆಗೆದುಕೊಳ್ಳುವ ಸಮಯವನ್ನು … ಇನ್ನಷ್ಟು