Angela Kennelly
Thank you so so much Tony for my amazing pearl, rose gold & carbon ring that you made for my 60th Birthday! It exceeded all my expectations even though I came with a design in mind & an Australian pearl I’d had since 2007. It was definitely worth waiting for! So now you’ve made my pearl earrings for my 50th & pearl ring for my 60th! And besides all the in between purchases over the the years! Thank you Highly recommended!
Przemysław Z.
Fantastyczny serwis i podejście do klienta. Bardzo rzeczowa i miła obsługa. Serwisanci naprawdę znają się na swojej pracy. Rower wygląda jak nowy i co ważniejsze, jeździ jak nowy. Oprócz zleconego serwisu zauważyłem nagwintowanie popsutych otworów na koszyk, uzupełnienie zaślepek baranka i innych ubytków. Zauważyłem jeszcze bezbarwne naklejki ochronne w miejscach, gdzie przecierała się rama. Jestem naprawdę bardzo miłe zaskoczony i chciałem wam podziękować. Na pewno już zawsze będę serwisował rowerek tylko tutaj. Dziękuję za profesjonalizm i podejście.
m h
以前利用した際に、チキン南蛮弁当を注文しました。調理中、使っている人(店長)を見ながら出来上がるのを待っていたら、調理していた店長(無愛想な男性)がチキンを地面に落としました。 そして、その落としたチキンを拾いあげて、揚げ油の中に放り込みました。 そのまま地面に落ちたチキン南蛮弁当を差し出され、お会計を求められました。 その場で言えなかった為、一度持ち帰ろうとしましたが、気持ち悪くて返しに行きました。 本部にクレームを言って、返金してもらいました。 地面に落ちた揚げ物は、後でスタッフが食べるそうで、常日頃からそのようなことを行っているようです。 地面に落ちた揚げ物を放り込むと油が汚染されることが分からないのでしょう… 保健所にも通報しましたが、みなさん気をつけてください。 私は、後1歩で大切な子供に食べさせるところでした。 こんなところに行くぐらいなら、何も食べない方がマシです。
1 人あたりの料金
Tushar Vijay
Nice food and service
रेस्टोरेंट में बैठकर खाना खाया
खाना किस तरह का था (नाश्ता, लंच या डिनर)
एक व्यक्ति के खाने पर कितने पैसे खर्च हुए?
खाना: 5
सेवा: 5
माहौल: 5
Serena Bini
Erano anni che volevo visitare questo museo, ma avendo deciso all'ultimo momento ho dovuto fare un'oretta di fila per aggiudicarmi un paio di biglietti. Non rimpiango il tempo speso in coda perché il museo è eccezionale, e contingentare gli ingressi è il solo modo per renderlo godibile. Il mio consiglio: prenotate gente, prenotate!
Visitato in data
Tempo di attesa
30-60 min
Prenotazione consigliata
Marika Komonova
Za mě nejhorší zkušenost. Při vyšetření krve berou z bůhvíjakého důvodu kočičkám krev z krční žíly, poslední v březnu nešetrný (v pořadí třetí, na druhé straně krku) odběr mému kocourkovi způsobil takový stres, že si postižené místo od hlavičky po hrudník rozškrábal do krve a dosud stabilní mírně zvýšené hodnoty ledvin (měřeno měsíčně prosinec 2021 - březen 2022) se v dubnu zhoršily prudce kvůli tomu stresu tak, že přestože jsme na jiné klinice o jeho život bojovali, kocourka jsem po intenzívním boji o jeho život včera pochovala
Benjamin Ochoa
Faisant partie de la Commission Scolaire Marguerite-Bourgeois, l'École secondaire Pierre-Laporte est une institution ou bien devrais-je dire un zoo! Le programme régulier.... faites un pas à l'intérieur d'un de leurs groupes et vous vous retrouverez dans une jungle à perdre votre ouïe et à être submergé de produits chimiques provenant de ces vapoteuses très populaires chez eux. Après un cours avec eux, vous sortez diagnostiqué avec un cancer du poumon. On questionne pourquoi nous sommes en manques d'enseignants au Québec et bien cela en est l'épicentre. Le programme régulier c'est un pas de plus vers le chômage et vers le mode de vie " kesspass rançeuse". Les LLS, si on devait représenter l'égocentrisme, ce groupe en est le parfait exemple. Leur manque de créativité est aussi vide que les locaux de pratiques durant le dîner dans le département de musique. Leurs échecs lamentables lors du concours de décoration de portes de Noël nous fait réaliser le néant qui se trouve dans l'hémisphère droit de leur cerveau. Pour terminer, le programme qui distinguait autre fois cette école grâce à l'élitisme de ses élèves, c'est le programme de musique. Suite à plusieurs changements dans l'administration de ce programme ( RIP Lebrun), celui-ci s'est littéralement écroulé. Le nombre d'élèves qui quittent le programme au fil des années est exponentielle. Étant la seule école secondaire au Québec donnant des cours de piano dans sa formation académique, ils décident de mettre fin à cela pour bien achever l'attraction principale. Parce qu'il faut bien le dire, si le piano n'était jamais donné comme cours, tout le monde partirait à JFP. Malgré les défauts de ce programme, ses élèves sont parmi les plus chaleureux et les plus appréciés des enseignants. Concernant l'administration de l'établissement, la communication désastreuse et l'organisation non-existante contribuent de plus en plus au ternissement de la réputation de cet institution. Cordialement
S. D.
Recommend the cafe on N Lincoln instead of this one. My review based on taste in comparison to N Lincoln cafe. I've got coffee here multiple (like over 20-30) times over last year and different roasts and I can't quiet figure it out why but any coffee from here always has a burnt watery taste (no matter the roast/blend), best way I can describe is if you try the exactly same coffee, no matter the roast) from Philz on N Lincoln Ave vs. N Wells you will see the difference. For some reason the exact same coffee from N Lincoln always tastes better. It's hard to describe and even when brought up to staff that something was off they made again but taste did not change. So I know it's not staff doing accidentally something different. Best way to discover is just comparing to another store, maybe the equipment is not cleaned as well or water not filtered as well, perhaps the beans are roasted slightly different, idk, but thought I'd provide this review finally in case someone else has same experience. Maybe and I hope it's a small matter/fix that just needs to be taken care off in the way coffee is prepared.
Franziska Buss
5 years I have been with this GP. Reception staff has always been cold and rude. Doctors never took any of my concerns for value, and rather made me feel stupid for even bringing my concerns up. One of the nurses told me I didn't suffer from depression I just needed to do exercise. Every single time they send me an invitation for cervical cancer test it never gives me an option to refuse the invitation, they tend to send it when I am unable to take any of the dates. When COVID hit I was diagnosed with cancer, which was surgically removed by a private surgery (not my decision) who then instructed me to arrange and appointment with my GP for aftercare. On the phone with the doctor I was outright refused any walk in appointment with the words that "we don't do this, the hospitals are just trying to push work on us" I got a one week sick notice for work, even tho I had just endured a lymph node biopsy which left my left arm with an semi open hole in the armpit, and the whole arm partially paralyzed(I thankfully regained most of my mobility, the upper arm area has still not regained all feeling in it). I obviously got an infection which I had to treat myself and with the help of my Pharmacy. Fast forward to earlier this year, I had been removed from my GPS patient list without any warning or notice. I went there and "re-activated" my account. Now today I received a letter telling me I would be removed from the GP cause I was outside the catchment area. I live a 10-15 minute walk away from the practice. My whole street is still on their catchment map online. If I could give 0 stars I would. Thanks for destroying my trust in any doctor.
Mohammad Lokman Hossain
Very bad experience with Brothers Furniture. Delivered wrong design furniture and didn’t able to deliver the right design later. Delivered scratched furniture, didn’t able to replace. The worst part was their behaviour which was so nice before sell and showed their true face afterward. Few of their characteristics are- they don’t return any product after sell even they delivered wrong or defective products, they can’t deliver on time, frequently change their commitment, they show an attitude that they don’t even care law enforcement agencies, they are very proud that still their business increases. Eventually we have able to get full payment back after struggling for couple of weeks.
Taylor Dunnett
I will NEVER go to this beer store again! I walked in no one stated where the empty’s line was. The blonde lady immediately started yelling at the gentlemen in front of me who was just as confused as I was. Not t he knew me of service you want right when you walk in. Another employee comes in asking her what’s going on and she yells in a very unwelcoming tone nobody’s listening. How can anyone listen when you aren’t giving direction?? Left my empty’s with the guy in front of me and left.
1 人あたりの料金
Fabienne Dupuis
Des horaires d'accès de la clientèle aux services assez limités. Vous devez vous déplacer le matin Peu de personnel à l'accueil ce qui induit une attente peu agréable. D'autre part, la Caisse d'épargne est fermée du samedi après midi au mardi matin. Donc application de la Loi numéro 2 si votre carte est avalée par l'automate. Des frais de fonctionnement, mais vous devez demander le renouvellement d'un chéquier, à aller chercher le matin, peu pratique. Les conseillers sont aimables, les locaux agréables. Terminons sur une note positive.
Emma Mooney
This place was recommended by 1 or 2 friends, my car needed a service, went up the lads had it booked in for a time and day that suited, was regularly updated on what they were doing and what needed to be done, was told my car would be finished at a certain time and they were finished bang on time, it's hard to find a reliable garage but I will be sticking with these guys in coolock from now on, I even got my car back washed and cleaned inside free of charge, thanks again lads would definitely recommend and will be back again.
Kelly Slaughter APRN
I am writing to recommend Rob Hatrak. In our busy lives, we often forget to take the time to thank others for their time and hard work. Nowadays, it can be challenging to find the right fit for what we are looking for with endless available options. I am the owner of a small business and have worked directly with Rob on various projects over the years. He has been the upmost engaging in his knowledge, charisma, and resources necessary to get the job done. He is willing to take on the most difficult challenges while remaining calm and professional. I wholeheartedly recommend Rob Hatrak.
Nardos Yohannes
My friend and I had booked a trip to Thailand with Tracy at Flight Centre Forest Lake. The flight and insurance were booked under both of our names. However, when we arrived, the receptionist informed us that the booking only included my friend. We contacted the 24 hour line and they told us that we had to wait until flight centre opened. After reaching out countless times, I still have not yet been compensated for their mistake. I understand that people can make mistakes, but it still hasn’t been resolved weeks after the fact.This is not good enough and I’m very disappointed with my experience. Will never use flight centre again and would never recommend to anyone wanting to book a RELAXING holiday.
Patrizia Manzoni
Chiesa splendida! Il pulpito ha un drappeggio scolpito nel marmo che pare un tessuto! Le pareti sembrano tappezzate con carta da parati arabescata, in realtà si tratta di intarsi di marmo! L'altare maggiore è affiancato da bellissime colonne di marmo grigio! Questo colore domina tutta la Chiesa rendendola speciale per l'armonia che la tonalità infonde. Il soffitto è riccamente decorato con dipinti. L'effetto d' insieme è unico.
Sébastien Combéfis (林盛宝)
Chouette station de métro et très stratégique car on y retrouve quatre lignes qui s'y croisent (1, 2, 5 et 6). Au début, ce n'est pas évident de trouver par quel escalier/escalator passer pour transiter d'une ligne à l'autre, mais il suffit de suivre les indications qui sont plutôt claires. Enfin, le petit café Paul dans la station est clairement un plus, pour attraper une viennoiserie et un café lors d'une correspondance, par exemple ;-)
chris anderson
Zero Stars!!!! I went in for a elite, Told the lady I was looking for a full detail, carpet clean , armor all old doors and dashes Vacuum etc. She signed me up for $60 worth of stuff. A gentleman came out once and said I needed to pay $49 because my truck was too dirty. Then they told me I need to pay another $49 because the lady misunderstood and carpet cleaning as more?? Not very well trained here. Management could care less. Will not ever come back here again and I’m canceling all services with them. Stay away!!