Židovská čtvrť

1083 reviews

U Staré školy, 110 00 Staré Město, Czechia



Židovská čtvrť is a Religious destination located at U Staré školy, 110 00 Staré Město, Czechia. It has received 1083 reviews with an average rating of 4.4 stars.



Frequently Asked Questions

  • The address of Židovská čtvrť: U Staré školy, 110 00 Staré Město, Czechia

  • Židovská čtvrť has 4.4 stars from 1083 reviews

  • Religious destination

  • "The Prague Jewish Quarter is so steeped in history, with the oldest operational synagogue, The Old-New Synagogue (Altneu Shul), built at the end of the 13th century (you’ll have to visit yourself to learn why the it’s called the “Old New” Synagogue"

    "The street "U Staré školy" in Old Town connects Dušní and Vězeňská streets"

    "The torrid history of the former Jewish Ghetto began in the 13th century, when Jewish people were ordered to vacate their disparate homes and settle in this one area"

    "Flawless, another splendid urban example of what can be achieved when people of all creeds and ethnicities are choosing to make the place they chose to call "home" better than they found it"

    "One of the most famous places in Prague, and a significant monument in the whole word"


  • Sidney Greenberger

The Prague Jewish Quarter is so steeped in history, with the oldest operational synagogue, The Old-New Synagogue (Altneu Shul), built at the end of the 13th century (you’ll have to visit yourself to learn why the it’s called the “Old New” Synagogue. There’s also the old Jewish cemetery dating back to that period and in continual use up to the 18th centuries. There are six other historical synagogues to visit in the Jewish Quarter. None of the other Synagogues are operational and are all museums chronicling the centuries old Jewish presence in Prague up until the Holocaust. Personally, to me, as a Jew whose grandparents were European Holocaust survivors who emigrated to the US after no longer being welcomed in Europe after having lived there for centuries), I found the “museum synagogue” concept very disturbing. There were lines and lines of primarily non-Jewish Europeans standing in line and moving from exhibit to exhibit consisting of old Jewish synagogue artifacts. To me, it felt like Europeans were going on tours to see and ancient and extinct specie - The European Jew. They were going to what would be the equivalent to visitors going to the American Museum of Natural History’s dinosaur exhibit where we’re told that “once upon a time dinosaurs roamed the face of the earth.” Except in this case you just replace “dinosaurs” with “Jews” and “the face of the earth” with “Europe.” As a Jew (visibly) of European descent (whose four grandparents were Holocaust survivors), I felt like a dinosaur going to a dinosaur museum. It was an awkward and uncomfortable feeling.
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  • Vladimir Pecha

The street "U Staré školy" in Old Town connects Dušní and Vězeňská streets. It is located in Josefov near the Spanish Synagogue, and the adjoining buildings form the southern and western part of the street. The synagogue is currently managed by the Jewish Museum in Prague. In the Middle Ages, Josefov was a Jewish town, and an old synagogue with Templ School called the Old School was in the area of the street. The first written record is from 1142. It was demolished in 1867 and the Spanish Synagogue was built in it´s place by Ignac Ullmann, Josef Niklas and Quido Bělský in 1868. Street name "U Staré školy" has been used since the 18th century. Ulice U Staré školy na Starém Městě spojuje ulice Dušní a Vězeňská. Nachází se na Josefově u Španělské synagogy; ta spolu s přilehlými budovami tvoří jižní a západní část ulice. V současnosti synagogu spravuje Židovské muzeum v Praze. V středověku byl Josefov židovské město a v prostoru ulice byla stará synagoga se školou Templ zvaná Stará škola, první písemný záznam je z roku 1142. V roce 1867 ji zbořili a na jejím místě v roce 1868 postavili Španělskou synagogu stavitelé Ignác Ullmann, Josef Niklas a Quido Bělský. Název ulice "U Staré školy" se používá od 18. století.


The torrid history of the former Jewish Ghetto began in the 13th century, when Jewish people were ordered to vacate their disparate homes and settle in this one area. Over the centuries, with Jews banned from living anywhere else in Prague, and with new arrivals expelled from Moravia, Germany, Austria and Spain joining them, ever more people crowded in to the quarter. To add to this, inhabitants of the ghetto were forced to endure structural changes at the whim of the emperor or whichever ruler exercised control over them. The latest occurred in 1893-1913, when a number of buildings were flattened, and the layout of many streets remodelled.

  • Alexandru Ciorobea

Flawless, another splendid urban example of what can be achieved when people of all creeds and ethnicities are choosing to make the place they chose to call "home" better than they found it.. The buildings like embroideries in stone and plaster, the streets, the out of time atmosphere, all contribute to the unique diverse heritage that makes Prague so exquisitely special. I would give it more than 5 stars, like a very special cognac that would go down very well after an evening walk

  • Bibiána Papp

One of the most famous places in Prague, and a significant monument in the whole word. It is unique how the Jewish quarter has been preserved, with many synagogues and the original Jewish cemetery. You can see all the monuments just walking around the streets, but I recommend to visit the synagogues also inside (you can visit them all with one ticket), some of them are really beautiful, especially the Spanish synagogue. But unfortunately it is not allowed to take photos inside.

  • Ava Greening

It's a beautiful but haunting experience. The Pinkas Synagogue is a must do, it has the names of the 80,000 victims written on the walls to help you see what 80,000 truly looks like as it's so hard to conceptualise. Incredibly moving is also the artwork of the dreams and hopes of the children in the Terezin concentration camp, especially hard on the heart with their death dates labelled on each painting. If you like dark tourism or history please visit!

  • Leigh Strong

Rich in history with synagogues that range from highly opulent to paired back and simple, displaying many artefacts sent over as exhibits during the occupation. Even if history isn't your thing, the quarter is fascinating and offers an intriguing snapshot into community life. A good tour guide will definitely enrich the experience. Otherwise, there are plenty of restaurants and shops to visit.

  • Hadar Sharvit

If I may, I'd say this is not a must visit. The Jewish quarter from what I've experienced is nice though not extraordinary location. Do know that as an entrance to the quarter you may find yourself surrounded with luxury brands, so if that's what your into - this is the place
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  • Donna Draijer

When you’re into historical things, I would recommend visiting this part of Prague. To visit the museums etc. you need a ticket which is a bit more expensive, but I think it’s worth it. It’s very fascinating to see, and you get quiet of the things you get to see.
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Do 10 min.
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  • Ellie Shapiro

A whimsical statue of Kafka stands near one of the synagogues. A walk through the an old cemetery, attached to the synagogue reveals a multiple of headstones; an impossible amount of people are buried in a small area. A museum reveals over forty thousand names of Jews who perished by the hands of Nazis. A solemn place.

  • Vanessa Valuta

Kind of overpriced ngl. All the tourists were annoying because of taking selfies with gravestones. Idk they should ban that because disrespectful. Also no real Jewish markets, all just money grabbers. They give free hats away tho, kinda rad tbh.
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  • debra

The history of the cemetery was really interesting. Adjacent to a synagogue which commemorates the thousands of victims of the holocaust from this area. No matter how much you know about the facts, lists of the deceased, whole families named, are always so shocking. Very moving.

  • Mareli Strydom

Interesting and beautiful, this place has signs on Czech and English. 500ckr for the entire Jewish tour, 350ckr for the whole experience minus the Old And New Synagogue. Everything is also within easy walking distance of each other and can be completed in an easy afternoon.

  • I A (Izzy)

Because of the Covid-19 most of the museum's was closed during my visit so didn't had the chance to enter any building or Temples, local guides was explaining all the info outside, the area is quite and nice with a couple of restaurants and coffee area outside

  • Miguel Angel Sandoval

Should be in your list of places to visit while in Prague. Beautiful Shuls and surrounding neighborhood. You'll need two mornings to see the whole Jewish Quarter. Even if you're not Jewish, it is a beautiful place to visit. And a lot interesting history.

  • Lewis & Tricia

Whilst in Prague we visited the Jewish Quarter which took in several synagogues and the Jewish Cemetery,it was a very moving experience but, also educational,the beautiful interiors of the synagogues all had a story to tell,some joyful but, … Další

  • Wandering Auntie

The Jewish "museum" is a must do! It takes you through several synagogues and you learn the history of the Jewish people in Prague and Czechia. It was a great way to see the city and learn how Jews have suffered, and succeeded, in Prague

  • Andrea Nori

A very beautiful area of the city that is absolutely worth a visit to all the Synagogues, even if they have a fairly expensive cost
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  • Josef Polák

Pěkná čtvrť. Určitě doporučuji sem jít. Je to jen kousek od Staroměstského náměstí (stačí projít Pařížskou ulicí), takže když jste v Praze na jeden den je to "hned vedle." Je zde několik synagog. (Do většiny je placený vstup)

  • katherina

It's a very interesting part of Prague for his historical importance. The entrance of the cemetery is personally, too expensive for what you actually get to see. Otherwise is a very nice area to stroll and explore

  • Can Maroow

The original Jewish quarter was much larger, but it is fortunate that this has survived to the present day.
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Do 10 min.
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  • Amanda Melbardis

A fascinating insight into the history of Czech Jewish community and their plight. Lovely friendly location
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  • Raman Kumar Khadria

I would say it's an average but I think I feel this because I already been to Krakow and already have seen some big Jewish Quarter. If you never seen Jewish Quarter before then you are going to like it.

  • Doug Cabana

As a practicing Muslim, I could not miss going to see this historical place. The history is important to remember and we must never forget what happened. Go, see, feel. You will not regret going.

  • Cory Grant

Cool place and very interesting. You do have to pay to see anything here including the cemetery. It’s not far from the Old Town Square, so if you are close by and have time, it’s worth a look.

  • Hanuš Kovárník

Komentovaná prohlídka koupená přes web peskyprahou.cz. Skvělá pani průvodkyně, prohlídka 2 hodiny.
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  • Brian Thompson

This is not a place that you visit. This is a place that you absorb. Do not rush through the things you see and experience. You will be a better person as a result of what you encounter.

  • Oliver Liebmann

I love the Jewish quarter even if it‘s not as big as that one in Krakow but the feeling there is nice, the food and there are museums about Franz Kafka and Jews and a Jewish cementery.

  • A.

Interesting quarter to walk around, with few synagogues and museums, a souvenir market and many different shops. Still a bit expensive, speaking of the food and some of the souvenirs.

  • Jennifer Ward

Great experience! The history is astounding and the synagogues and Old Jewish Cemetery highlight the importance, sadness and plight of the Jewish population of Prague and Moravia.

  • István Borbély

Astonishing atmosphere fills the area. Unfortunately, I visited the place on a Saturday so everything was closed, but watching the edifices from the outside worth a visit either.

  • Guilherme Ovçar

Nice neighbourhood, but my experience was not so great due to the fact that it was Saturday - most of the attractions were closed or in a different rhythm. Nice buildings.

  • simran gandhi

One of the must visit place when you are in Prague but only if you are into history and want to learn about the massacre of second world war and about jewish traditions .

  • Åsmund Oma Aanestad-Bakke

Beautiful place to visit in Prague. To get around easy I recommend using the LIME app for electric bikes.
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  • yossi braver

An amazing and beautiful place to spend the day if you like Jewish history
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  • Ali Shaban

Very beautiful area! Lots and lots of shopping, very close to Prague Castle and St. Charles bridge. The beautiful buildings and history of the Jewish quarts is a must!

  • Lim De Sin

The entrance fee was worth the visit, it was informative and stunning. We're able to obtain the history of the Jews. However, they do not accept cash for the tickets.

  • Glory Basumata

Great touristy location to be at. Lots of scenic and historical places are located nearby and the roads are clean and transportation is accessible on a regular basis.

  • Rana Crevier

The Cemetery is beautiful, the rest is pretty standard. You have to buy a more comprehensive ticket even if all you want to see is the cemetery.

  • Cristina Ochoa

Beautiful neighborhood a must in Prague! The buildings the architecture the colors the streets the history... excellent for fashion shopping

  • Firas El Khoury

The Jewish quarter was nice. A bit over hyped/overrated but it is definitely something to see. Don't take the audio guide, it is useless


Historic place and buildings including the Jewish Synagogue is one of the oldest place which preserves it uniqueness from old times.

  • shubhra sareen

It was so interesting to go round the quaters.small bakery , painting shops and souvenir stores will make ur walk worth the visit.

  • Taylor Burton-Edwards

Grim, fascinating, and hopeful.
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  • Kateřina Vrzalova

Úžasné místo, krásné památky.
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  • Addie S

Lovely place to walk around as well. A less crowded area a few minutes from the old town Square. Do not miss the town hall.

  • Madeleine Tucker Smith

Lovely area to wander around. Don't go on a Sunday though if you want to go on any of the tours as everything is closed

  • Donna Kay Langan

Rich in history.
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  • Anthika U

Amazing place to visit
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30–60 min.
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  • Jennifer Draper (Jen)

We had an amazing tour. It is great to learn the history from an expert. May we all learn to treat humans better.

  • Robert M

It's just a shadow of what it was decades and centuries ago, but thank goodness that not all has been destroyed.

  • G A

Simply awesome
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  • Alek Korneev

Interesting location, u can see the cemetery from outside, tiny busy place, don’t need to go for excursion.

  • Baron Migs

Amazing place to see. Old architecture. Holocaust memorials. There's not many places to eat near by though

  • Jirawat Karanwittayakarn (Jirawatee)

It's a good place for people who love to learn about history of Jew. You can spend 2-3 hours around here.

  • Jayaprakashan K P

Historically important place. One which Hitler did not destroy. Must see if you re interested in history

  • Chan Go

A very special place to understand the story of Jewish in the country. Better to go with guides.

  • David Bailey

If you’re into any local culture then this is one place you should visit whilst visiting Prague.

  • Robert C

All the attractions cost entrance fees while a lot of the city's historic Cathedrals are free.

  • Tralalescu Mircescu

Interesting enough, I especially recommend a guided tour of the few buildings and street !

I kdy kvůli asanaci bylo hodně zničeno, stále má tato část Prahy svou zvláštní atmosféru.

  • Kiki Riki

You have a small impression how important and exeptionel was the Jewish life here as well

  • David Padilla

Very emotionally moving. We remember to avoid this type of tragedy from occurring again

  • Nick

A quiet neighbourgood not too far from the hustle and bustle.. Nice to walk through.

  • Irena Kapustova

Židovský hřbitov, mnoho synygog, obřadní mistnost (mnoho krasnych pamatek na 1místě)

  • James & Zoe Ahearne

Quiet and peaceful
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Doba čekání
Do 10 min.

  • Kwok Wai Chau

To me, there is not much to see because I don't have keen interest in the history.

  • Md Tajul Islam Parvaz

Good place to walk around. All streets will surprise you with statues and color

  • Elchappy Elchappy

Fantastic that so much can still be seen with conaervation on some of old shopa

  • Shaivya Aggarwal

Some monuments have been removed from the city but this area is worth visiting

  • malini choudhury samson

Not a great place to learn about jews. An experience surely... but a mild ine

  • Kayla Baistrocchi

The audioguide is so dull that it actually took away from the experience.

  • Kathy Leitzke

It would be easy to miss this neighborhood- put it on your must see list

  • Vendela Enocson

Interesting to see but darn expensive for entrance to go into the venues

  • Giuliano „Giulio“ Soncini

A place to be visited, a piece of interesting although tragic history.

  • Alejandro Gonzalez

This place is interesting with a lot of history, restaurants and bars.

  • Vlasta Huňáčková

Toto místo by měl navštívit každý. Z celé prohlídky jsem byla unešena.

  • Notley Puppy and Dog Training School

Moving experience. The children's paintings will live with me forever

  • Iorit Zaidenstein

A piece of the incredible history of the Jewish community in Prague.

  • Jelly

Zajímavé místo. Atmosféra zde byla spíše turistická, než vycházková.

  • Emily Chertkow

You can spend whole day with a 5 day ticket to the main attractions

  • Monty Z

Not much to see compared to the rest of Prague. But worth a look

  • Michal Kvapil

Krásný kus české židovské historie. Dechberoucí stavby a osudy.

  • Geon Bastian

Considerably different architecture from the rest of the city.

  • Priya Jain

Very interesting to learn the history of this place and area.

  • Giorgi Abramishvili

Beautiful part of prague with lot of sights and brand shops.

  • Marina Camillozzi

It’s a nice place to walk and know more about Jewish people

  • Hassan H

You can’t go anywhere without paying, even to the cemetery!

  • Don Christie

Not the best example of the area, but some pictures anyway

  • Israel Hernandez

An experience that should be had by all that visit Prague.

  • Charles Blue

Lively and vibrant neighborhood. Feels safe and friendly.

  • Laura Heberger

Beautiful and the best trdelniks in town, don’t miss it!

  • Radzzo

Typical Jewish building, nice to have walk down there,

  • Steph Hickey

Brilliant got everything here, suitable fall all ages

  • Yasmeen Mitha

Very beautiful..just sad to see and tragic history..

  • luke savva

Not much to see really.. some very expensive shops.

  • Petar Rajacic

Beautiful part of Prague, very cool street market.

  • ArunaShankar K

Interesting & good place for the history lovers .

  • anagiselda

Nice Places to see and learn much about history

  • Wouter Donkers

Interesting but less impressive then I thought.

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Aviatická 1017/2, 161 00 Praha 6-Ruzyně, Czechia